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Soul Sessions 

What is a Soul Session? 

Your Soul Session with Sarah

is a unique, spiritually led healing session. 

Your Session can give you Clarity and Guidance, and much more.

Scroll down for more info! 

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Soul Session Info 

What is a Soul Session? 
A Soul Session is a unique, spiritually led healing session. 
During your session, you will be protected in the light as you explore your Soul Level Healing. 
Soul Sessions always begin with explaining the session, asking permission, and creating a safe and peaceful space to connect and receive. 

What are we connecting to? 
Your Personalized Soul Session will connect you to your own Energy, your own Higher Self, and Inner Wisdom. We will also be Connecting and tuning into the Spiritual Realm, known as the Akashic Field. In this Sacred Space, we will have the guidance of your Spirit Team. We will open your Akashic Records as well. Each Session is different and beautiful. 
What are the Akashic Records? 
The Akashic Field is a Quantum Field. This is where Sarah is trained to connect with Spirit and Soul in a place of truth and accuracy. Many Mediums and Intuitive Healers working with Spirit and Energy are not dialed into the Sacred Truth. When we use the Akashic Field to connect, we can trust and explore with safety and love. 
Akashic Records is an energetic field that “ holds” all of your individual soul level information, past, present, future. Many refer to this as a Library. This information is vast! Sarah is able to use her skills and experience to call in your Spirit Team and Higher Self to help us navigate the information. You will receive what you need at that time, and be able to gain Clarity and Guidance. 
What else happens in a Soul Session? 
During your Soul Session, we are connecting to your energetic resources to ask, receive and know. Sarah is also an experienced trauma expert, reiki master teacher, and Soul Wellness Coach. She may ask your permission to give you direct channeled messages from your Spirit Guides, give you energy healing, or coaching, or she may offer soul wellness skills and tools. 
This is all guided by your connection in the light, and the focus is always you.
Do I have to ask questions? 
No, but you are welcome to ask a few questions about your past, present, or future. You can ask for clarity about past life healing, present life blocks, future goals - the list of possible questions is infinite! If you do not have any specific questions in mind, that is totally ok! 
During your Soul Session, Sarah will help your Spirit Team give your
the information and healing you may need to receive at this current time. 
Each session is unique and will be in tune with your Soul Path. 
Many of my clients ask about past life connections and lessons, dream work, relationships, careers, reaching goals, discovering their soul purpose and more. 

Clients also dive deep into current issues, shadow work, inner child work, anxiety relief, boosting creativity, soul contracts, energetic and life blocks, limiting beliefs, healing the past, finding comfort in grief and staying aligned with their success in this lifetime, just to name a few. 
There is a wide range of possibilities and it truly just depends on you! 
You are invited to join me in a Soul Sessions and explore the process for yourself. 

Things to Remember about your Soul Session:
Each session provides a Shift of some kind. 
Soul Sessions are a wonderful step to Self-Discovery! 
Soul Sessions are Virtual, over Zoom. 

See what all the Buzz is about and Book Your Soul Session Today! 
These sessions are not harmful, just helpful. 
They are a great way to start doing your Soul Work, 
or bridge the gap between your Mental & Spiritual Wellness. 
Wherever you are on your Path, there is always room for Soul Wellness. 
Soul Sessions do not require belief in anything, just curiosity! 
Looking forward to seeing you, beautiful soul 

In Gratitude, 
Sarah Powers 
Soul Wellness Coach + Mentor 
Social Media - @spswsoul     

If you are looking for Mental Health Resources, please email Sarah at 

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